• Company Overview
  • Value Systems

Company Overview

A proud Korean basic industries company, a global company- it is Young Poong Co., Ltd.

Value Systems

Corporate spirit


Industrial Patriotism


Through the development of the company, Young Poong Co., Ltd. will contribute to the country and our society. Following Young Poong Co., Ltd.’s founding principle, we contribute to the nation more than the company.




As a professional first-class company to make the best products in the world, we are reborn as a top-class non-ferrous metal smelter business.


Coexistence management


Young Poong Co., Ltd. will do its best to develop the company with a sense of unity and community between the manager with a common goal.



Social contribution

Social contribution

Young Poong Cultural Foundation cultivates

national talent by giving the corporate profits back to the society.

It was established in 1980 with the aim of encouraging and supporting academic and scientific research activities and contributing to national and social development.

01.Scholarship and R&D support

Since its inception, we have steadily supported scholarships and R & D for universities and research institutes, and we are currently providing scholarships to about 60 universities.

02.Other socially responsible activities

We will continue to actively promote activities such as scholarship projects, R & D support, and other related projects.