• Technical info
  • Research and technical information

Technical info

Young Poong Co., Ltd. is constantly conducting R&D for the better future.

Research and technical information

Research and technical information

Operating Young Poong R&D Center
for new product development project

Based on zinc smelter technology accumulated since 1970, the Young Poong R&D Center was established in May 1987 to actively cope with the rapid changes in the global industrial structure and maximize corporate profits.

In February 1989, we built the new R&D Center with a size of 1,494m2 (452 pyeong) in order to make more systematic research and advance through new chemical and new material development projects.

Through research and development, we succeeded in developing the total nitrogen treatment technology related to wastewater treatment. This had a great effect on the wastewater treatment process. Improving the zinc smelting process greatly contributed to the success of combining the direct leaching method and the Jarosite method. Mn Silme, the residue of zinc smelting, was reused as an oxidizing agent in the process, contributing to the reduction of raw materials and increasing environmental friendliness.

Currently, the R&D Center consists of a technical development team, a process engineering team, and a research team.