• Investment
  • Financial information


Young Poong Co., Ltd. is striving to create greater value.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

(unit : won)

Table of contents The 67th term
(17.12.31 present)
The 66th term
(16.12.31 present)
The 65th term
(16.01.01 present)
1. Current assets 1,464,265,661,744 1,097,366,087,568 988,793,392,932
1) Cash and cash equivalents 191,664,666,876 206,699,062,329 167,880,912,208
2) Other current financial assets 154,666,493,772 84,985,262,456 164,740,614,254
3) Trade receivables and other receivables 542,240,116,713 352,710,536,031 303,160,712,761
4) Other current assets 23,162,890,361 17,100,541,222 10,322,701,718
5) Inventories 552,531,494,022 435,870,685,530 342,688,451,991
2. Non-current assets 3,339,473,197,100 3,037,536,261,314 2,999,094,967,864
1) Available-for-sale financial assets 11,016,613,615 9,668,517,778 11,714,307,875
2) Other non-current financial assets 13,470,365,410 10,292,099,490 10,809,669,633
3) Investment in affiliated companies 1,718,785,982,966 1,592,405,693,286 1,465,769,705,471
4) Investment property 469,686,497,266 472,440,530,095 475,080,021,636
5) Tangible Assets 1,113,840,933,774 940,766,656,678 1,022,188,232,756
6) Intangible assets 12,051,984,240 10,944,251,851 10,677,102,464
7) Other non-current assets 620,819,829 1,018,512,136 2,855,928,029
Total assets 4,803,738,858,844 4,134,902,348,882 3,987,888,360,796
1. Current liabilities 787,959,775,607 508,220,294,638 489,923,529,172
1) Trade payables and other liabilities 450,453,434,082 292,370,776,631 249,178,709,702
2) Current borrowings 251,752,203,229 147,192,261,205 200,394,050,250
3) Other current financial liabilities 14,411,296,397 12,818,160,575 12,037,944,061
4) Other current liabilities 51,231,835,372 39,780,162,344 7,292,106,985
5) Current tax liabilities 20,111,006,527 16,058,933,883 21,020,718,174
2. Non-current liabilities 546,268,234,152 484,371,918,364 494,522,909,291
1) Non-current borrowings 62,118,844,973 35,698,769,000 60,980,841,000
2) Other non-current financial liabilities 49,564,929,981 43,730,689,095 42,662,478,213
3) Retirement benefit liability 38,677,340,758 36,935,593,288 34,572,180,718
4) Provisions 6,166,914,444 4,032,470,798 4,283,714,301
5) Deferred tax liabilities 389,740,203,996 363,974,396,183 352,023,695,059
Total Liabilities 1,334,228,009,759 992,592,213,002 984,446,438,463
1. Ownership of parent company 2,965,817,682,251 2,723,136,138,635 2,580,454,636,666
1) Capital 9,210,200,000 9,210,200,000 9,210,200,000
2) Excess of share issuance 1,807,717,500 1,807,717,500 1,807,717,500
3) Treasury stock (17,461,324,328) (42,991,008,230) (42,991,008,230)
4) Retained earnings 2,908,301,182,852 2,681,329,196,130 2,539,025,840,448
5) Other capital components 63,959,906,227 73,780,033,235 73,401,886,948
2. Non-controlling interest 503,693,166,834 419,173,997,245 422,987,285,667
Total amount of capital 3,469,510,849,085 3,142,310,135,880 3,003,441,922,333
Total capital and liabilities 4,803,738,858,844 4,134,902,348,882 3,987,888,360,796