• Company Overview
  • Milestones

Company Overview

A proud Korean basic industries company, a global company- it is Young Poong Co., Ltd.


This shows the history and the growth of Young Poong Co., Ltd.

1980 ~ 1999

  • 1997
    • 01 Completed the manufacturing process improvement project and built capacity of 120,000 tons of zinc bar
  • 1995
    • 10 Diversified business portfolio through acquisition of Young Poong Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • 1992
    • 05 Completed Seorin Corp. office and established of Young Poong Books Co., Ltd.
  • 1989
    • 06 Established Young Poong Development Co., Ltd
  • 1988
    • 12 Registered in London Metals Market (LME)
  • 1987
    • 05 Established Seokpo smelter R&D Center
  • 1980
    • 06 Established Young Poong Cultural Foundation to improve corporate social responsibility