• Investment
  • Financial information


Young Poong Co., Ltd. is striving to create greater value.

Statement of Financial Position

(unit : won)

Table of contents The 67th term
(17.12.31 present)
The 66th term
(16.12.31 present)
The 65th term
(16.01.01 present)
1. Current assets 587,666,516,204 520,457,931,998 418,661,581,608
1) Cash and cash equivalents 86,121,887,023 122,324,413,671 37,794,315,629
2) Other current financial assets 116,085,368,660 85,490,022,378 135,961,282,941
3) Trade receivables and other receivables 80,259,919,698 82,909,233,770 59,161,473,218
4) Other current assets 4,188,951,017 3,656,710,733 4,040,306,626
5) Inventories 301,010,389,806 226,077,551,446 181,704,203,194
2. Non-current assets 1,625,600,501,398 1,614,301,635,332 1,660,123,132,962
1) Available-for-sale financial assets 10,998,197,905 9,649,387,303 11,700,643,250
2) Other non-current financial assets 9,370,033,610 9,289,238,368 9,202,229,576
3) Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates 789,365,957,515 776,165,338,358 774,402,428,278
4) Investment property 468,177,460,729 471,130,819,530 473,740,847,651
5) Tangible Assets 342,077,630,263 342,092,797,446 384,031,645,954
6) Intangible assets 5,611,221,376 5,974,054,327 6,993,863,289
7) Other non-current assets 51,474,964
Total assets 2,213,267,017,602 2,134,759,567,330 2,078,784,714,570
1. Current liabilities 154,476,545,311 106,788,493,829 98,779,570,962
1) Trade payables and other liabilities 76,912,777,113 62,429,355,076 59,995,905,306
2) Current borrowings 64,741,171,978 17,666,705,090 21,496,124,782
3) Other current financial liabilities 3,350,670,993 1,680,374,975 1,796,180,488
4) Other current liabilities 3,142,164,928 7,409,936,479 2,111,689,278
5) Current tax liabilities 6,329,760,299 17,602,122,209 13,379,671,108
2. Non-current liabilities 307,516,581,283 318,546,019,370 333,924,385,859
1) Non-current borrowings 24,208,812,500 32,365,437,000 42,264,187,000
2) Other non-current financial liabilities 41,650,467,686 41,339,933,682 41,582,052,956
3) Retirement benefit liability 8,388,939,131 8,267,666,767 7,884,496,673
4) Deferred tax liabilities 233,268,361,966 236,572,981,921 242,193,649,230
Total Debt 461,993,126,594 425,334,513,199 432,703,956,821
1. Capital 9,210,200,000 9,210,200,000 9,210,200,000
2. Excess of share issuance 1,807,717,500 1,807,717,500 1,807,717,500
3. Treasury stock (17,461,324,328) (17,461,324,328) (17,461,324,328)
4. Retained earnings 1,748,093,571,269 1,706,244,734,392 1,642,900,438,010
5. Other capital components 9,623,726,567 9,623,726,567 9,623,726,567
6. Total capital 1,751,273,891,008 1,709,425,054,131 1,646,080,757,749
Total capital and liabilities 2,213,267,017,602 2,134,759,567,330 2,078,784,714,570